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Students come to music class once a week for forty minutes. 
Within that forty minutes, they:
sing alone and with others,
read rhythms,
practice solfege(do, re, mi, fa, etc...)
play recorders,
improvise on xylophones, metallophones and other unpitched percussion instruments,
learn how to produce a solid tone when singing and how to match pitch  (sing in tune),
Move to music fluidly and accurately, in rhythm,
Are exposed to the music of many different genres, cultures and styles,
Explore instruments, why they sound and how they vibrate,
Evaluate musical performances and their own performances,
and so much more!!!
Music is unlike any other subject your child receives instruction in at school, yet music is inter-related to language, mathematics, history, art, movement, science, and reading! 
Making music is a basic human expression, very personal and very fulfilling.  Music evokes memory and stimulates creativity as well as emotion.  This performing art builds your child's confidence, gives them practice in risk taking and develops poise.
Music is an important part of being a successful student (and it's fun)!
You can see my web page under the staff tab at the PFE WEBSITE, to "check out" what's new in music class!! 
I look forward to meeting all of you.  Please visit the music room if you get the chance to!
-Patti Begg, Vocal Music