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Swimming 2024

Swimming intramurals for Park Forest students will be held on Sept 27, 28, 29  A permission slip will be handed out to each 4th grade student in their homeroom. Please fill out the top and bottom part of the form and return the completed blue form (do not cut in half) to Park Forest Elementary.

Again This Year - there will be a cap as to how many students will be allowed to sign up. That number is 50 and this is mandated by the International Building Code. Due to the mandated capacity, we will offer swimming to only 4th grade students.

Students will be bussed from Park Forest Elementary to the High School North building. Students will need to be picked up at 4:45 at the Senior High North Building Indoor Pool on Westerly Parkway.

Swimming intramurals is recreational. It is not swimming lessons.

All students must wear a bathing suit. Street clothes are not acceptable; students will not be permitted in the pool without a bathing suit.